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Dear Moderators
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Dear Moderators
I just want to tell friends that this is all lies. But no need to justify myself to nothing. I know of many players who love me, there will always be one or the other who hate me and this is normal.
My commitment is to give the best of me and that I'm doing.
My sincere thanks to everyone and keep playing and having fun.


I sure hope that you aren't referring to my first post as being a lie. My first post contained a screenshot which you probably deleted. I have no doubt that you have the best intentions, are very kind and possess all the qualities to be a great mod. But please don't try to apply rules on players like you did to me; that don't exist.

- Taterz
I think Papatrú-BR's post was a reply for Cя Łєάđєя's post. 
Cя Łєάđєя is a known liar from tanx his other nickname is FTW WARRIOR he rages other moderators and insults others + cheat thats all he can do. I agree with Papatru 
jeez that was his nickname aswell...

He literally has 50+ names its ridiculous. Maybe he will mature one day