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I think Flyordie should hold some tournaments once in a while in Tanx and the rules should include that there is no jumping,no powerups,no privates, and the first person to 5 or 10 wins a special tournament sign by their name besides the rank.
We'd need a number requirment to participate...because if its really low then it wouldn't be possible.

I mean like...500's or 600's and up.  There are to many 0-400's to have a tournament.  Only the most skilled should be able to play.
that wouldnt be fair
what would the weak ones do then?
that would not be very entertaining for me, i can tell you that.
I understand you pohatu, but you can just have eveyrone in a tournament.  It would be utter choas.  I guess we'd have to watch, it only seems right.
Uh Spider-Gurl i went to the site and it said it cost money for a membership.
Well if you get a gold or P memberr ship you have to pay but just go to www.myleauge.com/mph and up in the top it will say the frist thing FREE SIGN UP click on that ;) its free
what do u mean 500s and 600s. do u mean like points, well, if that is the case, some of the best players there are dont even get their points up into that level
As we all know, Points mean nothing when it comes to skill level. Those people who lack the skill can simply bank a few pts on one name to get the amount needed. Points aren't the way a tournament can be done here(in my opinion). Everyone should be included here. Although certain classes could be made according to levels of play. Then, if the lower players feel they need to bank to get involved in the higher level play, its their own fault! Maybe flyordie will come up with something. good suggestion Depth:)
I dont think very skilled will get you pass 400 points buddy. You must do alot of banking....

well, I think they should have live fire tournaments. get it on out with real ones...lol
I'd love to play in a tournament. I play at night usually though, and I don't have a point rating...

If this is still okay, I'd be very interested to see how I compare.