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Teleport gate?
Teleport gate?
Teleport gate?
I was browsing through the help or whatever it is and found this... Are they something that we can build on Thord Artin to reduce the number of clicks to Lark? It also might be cheaper that a boat... 
The Teleport Gate lets you teleport to another gate. Teleporting is very demanding to your body, but even more to your silvers...
i belive the tele-gate will allow us to tele to another island besides larki...  you can homeport back to larki and thats just as easy and cheap ;)
wrong? Who's wrong? What's wrong? Which one's wrong?
the teleport gate isnt for teleporting back and forth bewteen islands as the "popular" idea is. It is for moving bewteen south and north of island
My understanding is that there are two "cities" on Thord-Artin, one northern the other southern, seperated by wilderness.  I imagine it'll take us a couple years to clear a path between the northern and southern cities.  Until then, hopefully these gates will be better than just using your boat to get to the opposite end of the island.
