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k i just wanted to say that i cant believe its taking us so long to clear the north from pub n fortress square! i mean..two weeks ago there were 50k monsters left and now there are 40! ...i remember some blocks being cleared for less than a week!but it was because all the TAfighters were fighting there..so why dont we finaly decide which block we want to clean first once and for all!wheather it should be the one towards the table the cc one or? lets finaly make a desicion because we have so many blocks left!..couple days ago in chat we calculated that if we keep goin at this rate we ll need 10 years to clean TA!!
cant we just unite and finaly decide!?
and ok if someone wants to have the liberty to fight wherever he/she likes well  guys why not do it with your second char?that way  you ll help to clean both the block u want and the block all decided to clean?
why does it have to be so hard to work as a team!?!

hope we'll finaly think of something!
> lets finaly make a desicion because we have so many blocks left!..couple days ago in chat we calculated that if we keep goin at this rate we ll need 10 years to clean TA!!

I don't mean to be a stick-in-the-mud (because I agree that we should still be fighting north), but the fact that the TA fighters are dividing their efforts between different blocks won't make any difference in how long it takes to clear TA.  


I agree with Sandy.

And you are making an assumption that the number of players who can currently travel to and fight on TA is static. This number should increase, as stronger characters are developed, which would decrease the amount of time to clear a square.

Personally speaking, i think that the priority should be switched temple-rarily, i.e. we should be clearing the square left of the city centre, as it does have a temple on it. 

I am quite annoyed at having to either buy overpriced items such as aqua deis and prayer wheels, just to fuel someones greed. I would much rather have a temple, and the quicker we empty the square, the faster it can be built.

Clearing this square also means that 3 (THREE) new squares can be used for monstology. 

And after this square is empty i'll be emptying the square north of the market, as it doesnt matter on what square the monsters die, so long as they do.

This has been a Thord Artin announcement by the #7 conquestor, mage_smasher (recently level 51)

Thank you for your time.
totally agree with sandy and demonolith- especially demonlith's. and for those who may be worried about nubs, i at least think that we will be able to get the table and at least the temple, but there are plenty other posts for that already.
to be totally honest.....you're all as....
clear as mud if you ask me  :-)
As i agree with most on this i have my own agenda on clearing TA and the building that i choose to build.  However a great deal of people have been fighting else where since the thieves decided they would prey of TA chars.  That has been the biggest slow down in more recent times.  As long as TA gets cleared and nubs arent being lost all is well and we will one day far far down the road of clearing TA.
