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bartender talking
bartender talking
bartender talking
You buy a glass of wine and give it to the old man sitting at the counter. He thanks you, and starts to talk: "Have you heard it buddy, that a viable population consists of at least twelve specimens!"

"at least twelve"?  are there some areas that require more?

haha, and during my drinking, i see this.  only shortly after posting in on the "larki story" post (and someone else even mentioned this weapon, not me).

You buy a glass of wine and give it to the old man sitting at the counter. He thanks you, and starts to talk: "You probably don't know that a Parcilo's grail can be made from 9 ruby gemmas, 2 silver snakes and 2 silver plates!"

well, now that little adventurer knows ;)
and now i think i've bought him too many beers... maybe i'll go back another day :p

You buy a glass of wine and give it to the old man sitting at the counter. He thanks you, and starts to talk: "Now listen to me my son: our world is flat and stands on the shoulders of 12 platypuses!"

umm jason all these things are known..
i'm aware that people know these things monty... like 12 monsters and the parcilo's grail recipe.  what i was questioning was the "at least twelve", implying that some squares might require more than twelve?  i always thought they all required exactly twelve.
and the parcilo's recipe, i just thought was funny because i wasn't in the bar long, but he gave me the recipe, and we had just mentioned it in another post.
as for the last one... you know that the world is flat and resting on the shoulders of twelve platypuses?  i've always thought the world was round.
not in larkinor world remember here 2+2=5
i like this one Jas
You buy a glass of wine and give it to the old man sitting at the counter. He thanks you, and starts to talk: "Do you know it sonny, that monsters don't like brandy!" :O who wouldve known???

You buy a glass of wine and give it to the old man sitting at the counter. He thanks you, and starts to talk: "You probably don't know that the most powerful heroes are all masters of monstalogy!"

hrmm... guess my poorly built lvl 37 fighter/thief/monstalogist, in 6th for monstalogist, is one of "the most powerful heroes" :p  ya... right!

You buy a glass of wine and give it to the old man sitting at the counter. He thanks you, and starts to talk: "
Do you know it sonny, that the bold fighters take more damage in battle!

is this referring to a fighter's rank or is it just a random bartender saying?  if it is the first, does it just mean that a higher rank (a bold fighter) gets more higher lvl monsters which do more damage than the lower ones?  i don't figure it would mean your rank allows a monster to do more or less damage to you...
