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New Game for you all
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New Game for you all
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New Game for you all
Good a literature?

A well known saying fits each of the following strange situations. The saying could be an adage, a famous line from a story or play, or something colloquial. The saying often fits the situation only by using homonyms, homophones, synonyms, or by warping the original meaning of the saying.

So I`ll give an example

A man finds a bucket full of shining pyrite and exclaims "I'm rich beyond my wildest dreams!"

All that glitters isn't gold.

Heres another example for those who still havent understood it

Several students at Harvord High School are writing essays of exactly 1,000 words for a contest. The winner will receive an autographed photo of famous author Steven Kingly

 A picture is worth a thousand words.

Cant get any more easier than that.

I`ll give 3 first, adding more on as we go along

Kate felt rejected. "Linda, am I not your favorite companion?" "No," replied Linda, as she put on her diamond necklace, to go with her rings and bracelets.

2.Officer O'Mally pulled up at the Brokenlamp Apartment Complex in response to a call regarding a household disturbance. He went in, looking for apartment 2B, where the disturbance had purportedly taken place. He found an apartment from which loud voices could be heard, but there was no number on the door. An older man approached O'Mally, inquiring as to whether he could be of any assistance. "Is or is not this 2B? That's what I'm asking," said O'Mally.

.You had a sale on a popular video game at your software store: $45 until 7/25. A man shows up on 7/26 wanting to purchase the game, but he has only $44
Hello dragon_King, what a good idea for a game. Is the answer to the no. 1. Diamonds are a girls best friend.
I haven't an idea what the 2nd one is, but is no. 3. Better late than never.
To be or not to Be, that is the question.

For #2, that is my guess.
(HAMLET) To be (2b), or not to be (2b): that is the question: 

Uh ya sounds cool game but when ya gonna tell them if there right or not king? 


haha found this and thought it was cool so i figured id put it here.

Nice, got the first two right well done !

answer to 1 
 diamonds are a girls best friend

answer to 2 
 to be or not to be that is the question

the third one was wrong, anyone got it yet?
i think i know the saying, but i cant get it right in my head, grrr.
is it........A day late and a Dollar Short?

 heres another 3, have a go

4. A woman finds that her watch is broken. It is a very modern watch and is strangely enough made of cloth. It will cost almost $9 to have the watch repaired, or she could have her boyfriend sew the watch so that it will again function.

5.Eric used a 1 penny coupon at the grocery store. At work the next day, he noticed a 1 penny raise on his paycheck

6. Farmer Brown told a prospective buyer that she would have 200 chickens to sell him the next week. But when the buyer checked back, only 175 were available. Brown miscalculated because she assumed some chicks would be born by this time that turned out to still be in their shells.
these are hard, what do i get for winnin first round? :D
Ummm is the third one a penny saved is a penny earned?
ehhh, sounds kinda cheap, but i guess i'll take it. :|
6 An egg today is better then a chicken tomorrow
3rd one dont count ur chickens b4 there hatched?

Nice going peachy,

ANSWER to 2 : 
a penny saved is a penny earned

the others arent quite right

keep going
Don't count your chickens before they're hatched
and peachy wins again

ANSWER to 3 : 
dont count your chickens before theyre hatched

nearly there
argh ppl slow down

blue prince gets it

ANSWER to one :
 a stitch in time saves 9
oh the first one is it spend your time wisely?
ahh little late and little wrong wtg blue (F)
blue and A guest are tied at 2 correct answered each round, will a sudden death round be brought up.......

Can u tell im a bit competitive?

im playin its all in good fun, this is what i like to see in forums, Bring it Dragon, im ready for ya.

last 3, didnt know your gonna be so fast :)
ill put up a different and harder game when this has finished

good luck !

7.Betty and Jacob Rong have been driving west all night to meet their aunt, Miss Takin, in California. They come to a highway that runs north and south, and although their map shows that the shortest route would be to the north, they go south. 

8.Mark went to sleep at 7:00 PM, and got up at 3:00 AM the next morning. As a result, he was now in excellent physical shape, extremely rich, and sagacious. 

9.A deaf man awakens one day to find that his hearing has returned. The next day he leaves town on vacation to celebrate this miraculous occurrence.

lets see, 

2 wrongs dont make a right?

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise?

Here today, gone tomorrow?

cheater :p

i think your cheating mate

i had help from a good friend, is that cheating?
and not my computer, a friend.
anywayz, its cool, on the first one i guessed them myself, so im happy bout that. :)
make sure you dont ask your friend for the answers in my next game ;)

well done
truth is i just wanted u to move on to the next game im curious, hehe, but i didnt cheat, i had a friends help. :p