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hehehe, i was searchin around this morning and i found this very nice defination of the word, Woman, tell me what ya's think.


My brain turned to mush this morning, whats that suposed to mean?
Your a fine looking woman. Mighty fine ;)
any girls 14 years old want to play chess wit me??;) you can always find me in chess room 1 from 12PM to 3PM :) I look forward to see you guys;)  sorry guys i just borrow this subject to post this hope you understand  <--- appreciate it if you guys dont git mad at me
well tyvm spanky :) im blushin now :p
W.O.M.A.N=With Out Men Are Nothing :p :p :)
:O, u keep thinkin that Forever England :p
HAHAHAHAHAHAH that crack me up  :D  LOL!!!
lol that was crazy........... woman are nothing without man
yea cuz its plain ol nonsense :p
I second that fine u a mighty fine looking babe and you got my vote.
hmmmm looks like someone (spankybanky) is tryin to get goodie points with me :p

Cause you fiiiiinnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeee.
Say Fine u and me, wandda u say :D ?
I luv to top me tan up in miami ;)

i bet u aven't got any white bits ;\

ummmm, **blushes** I didnt get most of ur post Spanky, but ummm yea sure i guess :| 
for all the guys who say women are nothing without them take a close look and read is the other way around fools we need them theres a post called a poem for the women of flyordie find it and read it guys see if u get it.
Who cares its a joke its funny, men cant live without women and they cant live without men ok?
lol i dunno the could prolly live without us be less head aches for them lol j/k;)
Acually we cant cause who would wash our dishes and make nachos on Sunday Night Football....
pfff do it your self women don't have to do it for you its a free world they can do what ever they want too lol
so was mine fool u just didn't get it lol and what eva ya choking on cough it up dude makes u look bad lol;)