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MUTE Button
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MUTE Button
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MUTE Button
Hiya, Read some posts, of which there are many. Firstly for me, it Is important to Mute Guests as well if, it also means they cannot see mine.
Some questions please: 

 Does the results differ if you are subscribed?
If Muted does that mean they cannot see your chat or only you cannot see thiers?
If, both players Mute the same person does that have a different effect? 
Busy here, guess that's all for now.

Thanks in advance))*

Love to Thor & Goddess~*

I would love to know the very same thing but I suspect they can still see what we write, we just can't see their comments. 
If you mute a member, you will not see their chat nor can they challenge you to a game.

If you mute a guest, they simply cannot challenge you to a game.  It's good that they cant talk anyway.. :)

To clarify, just because you mute someone, it does not mean you are muted, therefore, they can still see what you write.

Hope that's clear.