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Oldtimer Score
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Oldtimer Score
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Oldtimer Score
"Oldtimer score is calculated 
 based on time spent by playing the games."

We know that your Oldtimer Score gets affected if you receive a ban/demerit etc.

So, is it the number of minutes we have been actively playing a the games?  By "actively playing", I don't mean sitting in a lobby, I mean physically playing a game.  If we look at the 'Today's Top Oldtimers' list here: 
 and look at user 'nitro' as an example, his/her Oldtimer Score is 433635, if my guess of playing time by minutes is correct that would equate to 7,227 hours, which is 301 days (!!!) of playing time on FOD.  Now, considering 'nitro' has been an active member since 4.11.2001, I guess a total playing time of 301 days is possible... agree?

I believe an Oldtimer Score of 200000 equates to 9 dots (FOD-Legend) dice, which would be 3333 hours of playing time if my theory is correct.

So, this question is for OP really or someone else that works at FOD.. can you tell us how in more detail how the system calculates our Oldtimer Score?

I definitely do think that the time playing the games does effect old-timer score, however, explain this bit of research.

I made a new nickname to do this research as my nickname already has 6 dots, and I do not play often.

With the new nickname, I noticed, after logging in 20 times, I got 2 dots, now, the second dot appeared after connecting to the portal, otherwise meaning the lobby.

If my calculations serve me correct, this is the most likely formulation.

50 logins to portal = 1 dot
100 = 2 dots
200 = 3 dots
300 = 4 dots
400 = 5 dots
600 = 6 dots
 and so forth.

Getting a ban or a demerit from FlyOrDie reduces the old-timer score by 5% or depending on the nature of the ban.

>With the new nickname, I noticed, after logging in 20 times, I got 2 dots, now, the second dot appeared after connecting to the portal, otherwise meaning the lobby.

Did you play any games with this account?

The count of logins may help a bit, yes, but I don't think that it's based on that.  It would be very easy for someone to sit there and log in then out constantly without playing (I hope no-ones sad enough to do this..) just to get dots so I don't think you're right.

Surely you can't get 9 dots without playing a single game and logging in 900 times.. sorry but you're theory can't be right.

Does any else have any theories?
My research also consists of monitoring those with 6 - 7 dots within a 2 year period.

I have played over 4000 games, and I have had 6 dots for over 2 years, however, I have seen users that have been registered since 2014 / 2015 with 7 dots.

You are also correct in regards to the game time boosting up your score, I am going to do some further research into this and give the results here - We will see by the end of the day if my hunch is correct. 

Alan R

Hi Sullivan, This is spooky. Was gonna ask the same thing and let me add, at what number do the colored  Rated Sheids change to the next level. 

"50 logins to portal = 1 dot
100 = 2 dots
200 = 3 dots
300 = 4 dots
400 = 5 dots
600 = 6 dots
and so forth."

ThUnDeR' s right.

No global theory but one that is specific to its member. There' re more criteria than you think to get a growing dice.
The calculation of one will not be that of another pseudonyme and never'll be.

Regards and good games. 
>what number do the colored Rated Sheids change to the next level. 

Depends on what game you play, but completely irrelevant to that the thread topic..
>We will see by the end of the day if my hunch is correct. 

How's that hunch Sulli? ;)

I can confirm the number of logins is definetely NOT a factor.