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8 Ball Pool
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8 Ball Pool
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8 Ball Pool
Ok, time to discuss 8 ball pool and how it has changed for the worse in recent times. For some reason, newer players seem to think it is noble to play no moves meaning that if your opponent fouls you do not move and this is completely ridiculous. It's ruining the game because it takes defense out of the game. The reality is that all sports involve a defensive and offensive strategy. Most players play an offensive game but, if you do not have a good shot, you play safe or even hook your opponent. So, I suspect what happened is someone either scratched or was unable to get out of a hook ergo his opponent got to move and thereby won the game. Well folks that's the rules and all sports and games have penalties for infractions. So, rather than whine if you foul, learn to control the shooter so you don't scratch and learn to kick at hooks. With no moves, people don't even try to get out of a hook, they just hook you back and that is pathetic. Only the less skilled players play no moves. The top players follow the rules and move. That's the noble way to play the game, follow the rules, don't cry if you can't get out of a hook and are therefore penalized. I am so tired of these people condemning good players because they follow the rules and play the game the way it was intended to be played.