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Go Moku
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Go Moku
I wrote about same thing before, but now i have learned my lessons;1.; watch out player information, and if your opponent have got his points in a short period, don`t play against him. 2.; you can make it by yourself, it´s not cheating. 3.; only loosers cry!
Good luck in future!
i dont understand what do u mean
gomoku is useless game. and you cant call a person cheating just because their good. 
I think that anybody is not so good that can get over 400 points without loosing. Thats why i always watch player information of my opponent. You find it from "i".
You can make another nickname by free e-mail address;
one for practising and one for real game, its not cheating. And finally, this is just a game, don`t take it too seriously.
yes i agree but what about all the poor losers 
that leave game before apponent makes final winning move
i do not win a lot so i dont realy care but people with ranking do use several login,s and will only play people like me to raise there rankings> 
i have many nicks  but i think  i am not cheater. when i playing i use  my head  ,not programs.thx for attention.
I am a Vietnamese.
on 5 month ago.
i play gomoku on Flyordie by nick"thinh03"
I think Asian play this games very well.

Ain't in ironic that the author of this thread has at least 2 names himself? "BISCAY" and "biscay"

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Everyone look at the gomoku toplist, see who is crown, then come back here and notice the author of this topic, then we will know who the cheater is;).


wow, biscay is a cheater....hes got like 3 names who give him pts just so he can have as many pts as hes got.....but its ok being firts place on toplist doesnt mean anything bcus hes just not a good gomoku player...i mean seriously whats the fun in just getting pts when you cheat i maen he doesnt even play any good players i just dotn see the fun in that.
well if you own gomuko well i own pente which is more harder:)

hi biscay the person with the crown good luck
It is better to be envied than pitied. :):):)
I'm Vietnamese too.I play gomoku by nick lovely_girl301. The first I see forum i can't understand because my english isn't good.I wanna have some vietnamese friends in this forum.I think gomoku has a lot of Vietnamese player and play very well.Wanna have some friends Vietnamese.

I'm Vietnamese too.I play gomoku by nick lovely_girl301. The first I see forum i can't understand because my english isn't good.I wanna have some vietnamese friends in this forum.I think gomoku has a lot of Vietnamese player and play very well.Wanna have some friends Vietnamese.

please answer honestly, how much points does the best person that doesn't cheat have? because i don't cheat but I can't get over 200 points....but then i only played for like 2 days so....

I have another account, but I only use it to play larkinor, and that was like 2 years ago.
omg i posted this well over two years ago..........get over it........i have just enjoy the game if you can:)
omg going on three years lol get over it and enjoy the game.