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my team is currently looking for members if u wanta join speak to me
o and we are looking for commanders   that takes time to go through please join
im ussly prity good in a team and willing to join i can be on in the moining i hope i can help ya

this is a alert we really need people for the war agnist the kias
cancel the war the team search is still going anyone intrested speak to me following needed:
top commander:full
co top commander:full
2 command:open
3 command: open
4 command:open
5 command:open
6 command:open
7 command:open
these are commanders
others are open these are top positions we need more
teammates: never full
please join
Umm... what is the name of your team?
hey liger
im starting a team of my own
maybe you'll want to join...
our team name hasnt been decided yet council will decide
there is also a council for the team u will be represented by group leaders in council meetings
why is there war on kias?
what have 
 done to you?
so is with 
 the WGs

and liger, you havent answered my question

bat sniper boy
those wars are over my teammates decide the wars i declare and end them the wars are over the kia war was an accident the wars are over
please join we still need people
hello we really need people
i declare, if i could, no war against anyone
i'll join....maybe.....if ill know more about this "team"

bat sniper boy
talk to me on tanx u just work with us
team alert 
any info to where he is is appreciated
Can I join the team? I'm the Leader of TRWBS (Team Red, White and Blue Stars)
If any league needs a decoy talk to me ;)
tankersdude or whatever your screenname is this team broke up a long time ago.i have others though.im a leader of a few teams a few r secret and one is K.O.P. ask me to join
ok  meet me in   the loby tomroow  my op it wont be locked
ok meet me in my op it  wont be locked
ok  we can  put the team  together and we both be leeders
when u start com bind our teams

lets com bined the team let tak tomorow

wen u  start a team let us  com bined and  som  ather people
all that  want to  join com  to  loby tomorow
try  to get as meny people  as poseble

lets com bind teams so e can be power full

i will be in beach  day room op 1
this topic is over two years old stop posting in it