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[b]Made in Portugal[/b]
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[b]Made in Portugal[/b]
Posted in 
[b]Made in Portugal[/b]
Oi pessoal portugues ou brasileiro k kiser ser P.O.T é só por seunick+_P.O.T valeu conto com vosco para este clã subir subir muito mesmo valeu pela força.
I wanted to see how far back the forum would go. 

P.S. I am better then you. 

P.S. look at the date.
That Post by Major P.O.T. translated is "Hello personal portugues or Brazilian k kiser be THE he is alone by seunick + _P.O.T he was worth story with vosco for this clã he go up he go up very even he was worth for the force." Didn't make sense then, and still doesn't.
That's not the earliest post in all of the forum, i don't know what that's about
sorry, but I forgot to add, i responded to the earliest post in the tanx forum a few months back, so it's somewhere in the middle