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Sai00 player is cheating on GO. When i`ts over, and everyone is marking dead stones, he`s not. And when I mark mine stones, he refuses, and just pass. Than I cannot pass, the program doesnt let me to do, and I have to make a move. I`m making it, but miss a point if he`s not answering. And this continous to the point when i loose. This is cheating. I can`t prove it, only if you have the game records. If you want, record my games, and i will play him once more, to proove what is he doing. I`m not the only one, maybe you should record his games, because i was watching his other games, and he does the same. It would be a good thing to fix that bug, or to do something with sai00.
I agree. Sai has been abusing this site for some time. He keeps coming back with variations of hi name, like Sai... or Sai.......