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Material Time Blitz Chess
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Material Time Blitz Chess
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Material Time Blitz Chess
Right, I've had an idea for another chess variant - more specifically a chess variant that might make blitz a bit more interesting, in my opinion.

One of the characteristics of the 1" and 2" games is that people often win from hopeless positions by quickly shuffling their pieces about and hoping their opponent will time out first. That's all in the rules and it's OK but I suggest that it sometimes makes the game less interesting because playing fast is a bit superficial in comparison with playing good moves.

There is a well known points system for comparing the relative value of chess pieces:
pawn = 1
Bishop or knight = 3
Rook = 6
Queen = 9

How about a new 1" blitz game with a twist:
1) Each move has a 'piece value' according what is taken in that move. So if you don't take anything then the move has a piece value of 0. If you take a pawn, the move has a piece value of 1. If you take and knight or bishop, the move has a piece value of 3 and so on.

2) For each move, if your move has a piece value less than your opponents preceeding move then the difference in the piece values multiplied by 3 will be added to your opponents clock.

This may sound a little complicated but it's actually very simple and I believe that Fly or Die could easily set up a new game type with this variation.

The point of this proposed game is that making lots of unsound sacrifices to slow your opponent down wouldn't work any more thus encouraging the players to concentrate more on good moves and less on high speed piece shuffling.

What do think people?

To the moderators: is there any chance of Fly or Die trying this new game type? I think the programming required for this change would be quite simple.

As per title,  propose to call this proposal 'Material Time Blitz Chess'.
that's outside of the box thinking !!! might be a problem getting old fogeys like me to adapt/adopt but original idea

Thank you for your supportive comment, ANOK.

Unfortunately, the general lack of response to my proposal seems to have doomed my request.

Carry on piece shuffling everybody. Just play really fast rubbish moves and hope for the best ... :(