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need to fake the user agent
need to fake the user agent
need to fake the user agent

i'm using the version 26 of firefox and i need to update the user agent to match your check. this version work well with your html5 appli so i don't understand why you depreciate it...

Indeed, FF26 might work for you, however, FF27-28 contained serious JIT compiler bugs, that's why FF29 is the minimum version we support "officially".
sorry but i see no hotfix made in version 29 about just-in-time compilation problem...


Regression in FF27


fixed in FF29 (I think)

reoccurred in FF32 beta


fortunately, fixed in the final release
Also, FF26 is the version used in Firefox OS 1.2, and it was full of bugs / display problems. Fortunately, Firefox OS 1.2 was never really released into the public. Also, our games work on Firefox OS 1.1, which is basically Firefox 18[.1]
(1.3 has other problems, too)

There are always regression problems in every other browser version, and we just can't test 200 different browsers for possible browser bugs. (Chrome doesn't shine either)
Also, if you navigate further from the release notes link you provided to the actual list of bugs fixed in FF29 then you will find 413 javascript engine bugs out of 4035 bugs in total.

Rien que pour la dernière version, la 40, tu as 3459 bugs corrigés dont 213 qui concerne le moteur javascript. Et si tu fais l'addition de tous les bugs corrigés entre la version 29 et la dernière, tu arrives à un total de 184246 bugs dont
22457 concerne le moteur javascript. Autrement dit, ta version minimal officielle est truffée de bugs tout comme la dernière version qui elle aussi fera l'objet d'inombrable correction...

Ceci dit moi je m'en fouts, ce n'est pas moi qui me coupe d'une partie des internautes, c'est vous ;)

ps: pour info, je ne tourne pas sous mac OS, c'est d'ailleurs indiqué dans l'user agent ;)

>fixed in FF29 (I think)

no, it's not fixed in ff29

n'importe quoi...
The "fix" for the bug went into FF27, but it caused a regression problem, and that regression was fixed in FF29 (at least the problem disappeared after FF28), as one of the Mozzila guys told me in the thread for the other bug.

But I really don't get your point.

Basically, everyone should use the latest version of evergreen browsers (FF/Chrome) especially because of those many security and javascript patches.

And 90% of our users do so. We won't blacklist old browsers on the day they become obsolete, but we do blacklist them if we can't or won't work around a bug any more. So you are free to run the games on FF26 or whatever browser you want by faking another user agent, but we won't test our games against obsolete browser versions and since workarounds are applied based on user agent, your game might just break. Also, workarounds might be different on Macs and PCs so faking the platform really won't do any good to you. 
quant aux failles de sécurités, je te rappelle qu'elles ne sont exploitées que par les junks sites. Es-tu en train de me dire qu'il faut se méfier de ton site ?
zapping ?

je préfère t'entendre dire que la version minimale repose sur la première version testée plutôt que sur des bugs "rédibitoires". Culpabiliser les internautes sur le choix de leur version ne rime à rien surtout quand on ne connait pas les tenants et aboutissants...c'est rejeter sa propre responsabilité sur le dos des autres.
