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'Pop Out' or 'Standard'
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Four in a Row
'Pop Out' or 'Standard'
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Four in a Row
'Pop Out' or 'Standard'
Which do you prefer and why :p ?

Senior FlyOrDie Moderator

J'aime bien les deux car ce sont deux choses différente. On ne pense pas pareil en jouant en standard et en pop out. J'aime donc jouer les deux mais en style hard. Car j'aime anticiper et réfléchir, et non jouer du par coeur ( sauf si pour apprendre à des personnes à jouer ). Et toi Thunder? 

Bon jeu à tous!



I like both because they are two different things. We do not like playing in standard and pop out. So I like both but play hard style. Because I like to anticipate and think, not playing by heart (except for people to learn how to play). Thunder and you?

Have fun with it!
I prefer without a doubt standard connect four. There are many more playable styles in standard than in Pop-Out. Standard is generally harder to master.

People who play Pop-Out do only know some few styles. 90% of the people I play go 434 and that would be like 415 in standard connect four.

Oui je confirme suprafix. La plupart des gens jouent en 434, 426... Mais en pop out, un départ en colonne 2, c'est aussi une victoire pour le premier joueur sur à 100% mais très hard parfois. Je pense aussi que les départs en colonne 3 c'est aussi le premier joueur qui gagne. Mais peu de joueur veulent prendre des risques. D'où laquelle ce serait bien d'avoir une nouvelle option (pour les abonner ou pas). Avec cette nouvelle option on pourrait choisir des départs... Car que ce soit en pop out ou en standard c'est ennuyeux. La plupart des joueurs jouent classique... Ils ne prennent pas de risque. C'est pourquoi beaucoup de joueurs partent aussi, car très ennuyeux... Vive le puissance 4 lool

Bon jeu à tous



Yes I confirm suprafix. Most people play 434, 426 ... But pop out a start in column 2, it is also a win for the first player to 100% but very hard sometimes. I also think the departures column 3 is also the first player wins. But few players want to take risks. Where that would be nice to have a new option (to subscribe or not). With this new option could be selected departures ... Because whether pop out or standard is boring. Most players play classic ... They do not take risks. This is why many players go too, because very boring ... Long live the power of 4 lool

Good game at all

I prefer to play Standard. There are both good and bad with the standard. People can use cheat programs but the system will detect. If you change the playing time of 30sec, it will be difficult for players who use the program to play. The players who play Pop-Out plays almost the same anti all the time and it's boring.

// Stefan Leanage

Dark shadow en standard aussi les gens jouent classique et c'est très ennuyant. C'est pour ça qu'ils devraient mettre une option pour choisir des départs. Et pour en pop out pas beaucoup de monde veulent jouer hard, car ils ont tous peur pour leur points... Certains joueur comme louis ont l'habitude de jouer avec un logiciel et joue en moins de 30 secondes et le système détecte pas tous les programmes malheureusement. Mais FlyOrDiE va encore se développer...

Bon jeu à tous!



Dark shadow standard people also play classic and it's very annoying. That's why they should put an option to select departures. To pop out and not many people want to play hard, because they all fear for their points ... Some players like louis have the habit of playing with software and plays in less than 30 seconds and the system detects unfortunately not all programs. FlyOrDie but will still grow ...

Have fun with it!
Standard, because it is more fun, harder to learn full - but  bad things are the amount of programs.

Pop - Out because it is a fun game and easier to break the higher players with, and because it's a new challenge to be good at.

Bonsoir, standard c'est bien car il y a plus de style. Mais pour les joueurs expérimenté cela devient ennuyeux. D'autre taille serait les bienvenu comme 8x8, 9x7... Je pense que cela ferait revenir beaucoup de joueurs. Et pop-oup c'est bien en version hard. Commencer en colonne 2 par exemple. Cela donne beaucoup à réfléchir. Et les pièges sont nombreux car on ne sait pas toujours ou l'autre joueur va "casser" la boule. Bon jeu à tous!


Hi, this standard is because there are more style. But for experienced players it becomes annoying. Other size would be welcome as the 8x8, 9x7 ... I think it would return many players. Oup and pop-it is hard to release. Begin in column 2, for example. This very sobering. And there are many pitfalls because we do not always know either player will "break" the ball. Have fun with it!

Not a Senior FlyOrDie Moderator
Hi all. I've recently taken an interest in learning pop-out. I bought the physical game by Hasbro. But there's one rule with vague wording in the manual, so I'm hoping you guys can clear it up for me.

In the rare event that a popout move creates c4 for both players at the same time, which player wins?

Btw if anyone is interested (though I doubt it), I've written a 2-player-only c4 matrix interface for the TI-83+ which includes the popout variant. I could post the code here if it's not against the forum rules (the code will work on other TI versions as well).
The player who popped out their piece wins, so long as they have 4 in a row in doing so


Reply to your question fstal.

The player who pops the ball at the bottom get's the "supreme power" so if both players win at the same time the person who popped will win, in some sense this makes no logic, why wouldn't it be a draw.. However this is how it works.

Been a long time since I seen you as well fstal! Where you been lately man!



Thanks guys. That's what I figured but the manual phrased it weird.

I've been studying and working. Unfortunately c4 doesn't pay the bills =(
Also I found a hobby I like as much as c4: running!

How are things in the c4 world?

You can run and play c4 same time! Just run with laptop with wi-fi! No EXCUSES ;)! 

It's bad man... All the good fair players are leaving, all we got now are programmers, runners and pop players... Only decent player I can play these days is sometimes relfson or dreddz, no one else is really strong enough :(

Need my old friends back, Frank come back :@!

Pretty much dead. We need people like you back!
More competition in 8x8 would be nice too. :)
I'll practice first by running with a c4 board and playing myself. Will post it on youtube stay tuned. Godhand you're hiding behind a new name :P by what name(s) do I know you? You know me on a first-name basis. I probably blabbed too much personal info on these forums heh.

Does fod have 8x8 now or something? I dabbled in that long ago. There was just one anti I didn't know the solution to, so I was gonna try it vs a perfect player but then had to cram for finals or something, couldn't finish the match and later forgot the anti, was a bummer. I'm guessing most of the 8x8 players retired too, that seems to have fewer antis than 7x6.

Hey Supra I was thinking of pm'ing you on 2p2 but forgot your name there. And msn migrated to skype and I don't have skype yet. Hoping it gets reverse engineered or something so I don't have to install NSA-tailored trojans on my pc just to talk to people.
Nah FOD seems to be strictly against new board sizes. But they're still playable at the same places. I don't know if you remember me we talked on MSN a while back. PM me "Devilz" on 2p2 :)
Haha Devilz ^^ never knew you was back here :p we should play sometime in unrated, my new nick is, The Necromancer, i only play in unrated with friends btw :p
Hey, sure thing. I have you on Skype I think, but don't see you on very often!
Oops it's come to my attention that I was confusing suprafix with syllogism. So that paragraph in my last message was actually directed toward syllogism.

Well I know I was your buddy too suprafix lol. Didn't think it was from flyordie but I guess so. I recall you had other "fix" names but supra was your original I think.
Yea i just got a new laptop, so i'll be online more often :p except for when im at the gym haha
Right, yas both played there. So yeah that is where I know you from. I think we were the oldest players there by like 10 years heh