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Seperate Rooms for 'Pop Out' and 'Standard/Common'
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Four in a Row
Seperate Rooms for 'Pop Out' and 'Standard/Common'
Posted in 
Four in a Row
Seperate Rooms for 'Pop Out' and 'Standard/Common'
Is anyone else of the same opinion that Connect 4 should be split between the 2 game types?

Senior FlyOrDie Moderator

+ We need tournaments for each game...
(Pop-Out, and standard). 

Play in seperate rooms for why? 
For have fun... It's better to be all together.  
Play in a desert I think... It's not a good idea. :-)

And... It's nice, to have the choice to play the two games.




Pas très bien compris (ça traduit mal). Mais je suis d'accord avec ↯Kira↯. Il n'y a déjà pas beaucoup de monde à Puissance 4. Si on devrait séparer les deux jeux... Et je suis pour avoir des tournois en pop out et en standard. Est-ce que ça serait possible d'avoir plus de tournois? Car il y a qu'un tournois par mois à puissance 4. contre 4 ou 6 en moyenne pour les autres jeux... 

Bon jeu à tous!
Yes, I am. Before I wasn't, but now when everyone keeps challenging me with that Pop-Out I'm getting (...). My final answer is yes. Split them in two different rooms.


[Edited by: Mervin on 08.03.2013 09:33]
i like standard as i played it a lot as a kid and am use to it.
i dont like pop out as im unfamiliar with it.

i think it would be a good idea to split the rooms.
FlyOrDie would not make 2 different rooms..

They have this subscriber add on for money.. so yeah I like both the games very much, 2 different games would not even be needed. If they keep challenging you use 'mute'
