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Best Anti players currently
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Four in a Row
Best Anti players currently
Posted in 
Four in a Row
Best Anti players currently
So as title suggests who does everyone think is the top 10 players using blue who still play? This only includes normal game not pop out.

I think it is pointless to try  making a list because there are not 10 good players nowadays everyone's retired. I personally can not find 10 good players, but maybe it is because my requirements in order to be counted as a good player .... =)
I went on today and yesterday to see how good everyone was. I broke 4 300-400s with a simple 4,2 anti. The others ran, and played very simple pop out style... There is no one good left at connect four anymore. It's a shame, won't be coming back I will stick to the billiard games, Supra join me ;)!


I entered the room 8-Ball Pool (room 1) a few times but couldn't find you. Which billiard game do you play? We may, by mistake have been in different rooms at these times. When I am online you'll see me in room 1.

I think it's a shame to talk always like this Premonition. 

You are the person most haughty and wicked that exists on this site! With your experience, you could bring a lot. But what are you doing? Criticize and judge all the time, without even trying to help others. And you're not alone, unfortunately, to adopt this bad attitude.
The "noobs" don't have 10 years of C4, as you... 

So yes, once again, it's a shame: be champion like this! It's useless. ♥.þєŧiŧ ¢ǿєùя.♥, Dreddz, they are true champions, with great humility. Examples for all of us.

You, I want just one thing. Learning to play :) and you redo the portrait DarkCloud!! 
(This nick is better for you).

It's just my feelings, if you don't like, IDC! :P


Convos about the toplists are ridicul. There're a large group of great players. And many of these players don't play C4 regulary or they just left the game. The rest of users are here actually, they are learning and solving the game. There're users who learn faster and there're users who lear slower. There're users who are here along time and there're users who are here recently. That's all to say, the actual players here are novices. I'm a notice. The C4 is an exact game. Everyone'll learn the same, everyone'll make the same moves. Everyone'll play 4-4-4, 4-2-?, 4-1-? or 1-1-6 and everyone'll be a good breaker. This is the reason about C4 is so bored after a time.The C4, everyone can be good like Bradspellaren, Elliten, qwer and Cia... But they will be recognized to the 1st good players here. It's thanks to them, everyone here play good like they play...

Why is it thanks to them? I thought it was thanks to Vianiato.
Bonsoir à tous! On ne peut pas savoir qui est bon joueur ou pas, car dans puissance 4 (7x6) il existe des programmes. Donc rien ne dit que des grands joueurs n'utilisent pas un programme quand ils jouent hard! Pour savoir si un joueur est un réel très bon joueur, il faudrait être face à face ou sinon jouer sur une autre taille (comme 8x8, 9x5 ...) là où il n'y a pas de programme. C'est comme au pop out, les gens jouent toujours pareil. C'est cela qui ne savent pas "jouer" ils font juste du par coeur (c'est mon avis). Et c'est vrai que cela est ennuyeux... comme dit parasita les styles classique dans puissance 4 (normal) comme 4-4-4, 4-2, 4-1, 4-1-7, 1-1-6, 4-1-3-2... sont ennuyeux... Et ils sont devenu des styles classiques pour une partie des joueurs. Manifestons pour avoir d'autre taille de puissance 4? Il y a bien plusieurs jeu de billard (8 ball, 9 ball et snoocker) Pourquoi pas au puissance 4?? Et pour finir, ce n'est pas vraiment le niveau qui compte mais le plaisir qu'on prend à jouer humm 

Bon jeu à tous!!

whats wrong with vianiato?

Personally, i think its a great program too help beginners learn some basics of connect 4, such as some basic styles and openings.

I pretty much learnt 436 using guLo style on Vianiato, i dont program no more, nor have i done since 2009, but its a good learning tool, which taught me alot.

without Vianiato, i doubt ide be as good as i am today.

& this whole idea that there are no good anti players... lol, i recall about 1 year ago you stated that it doesnt matter if your blue, or if you know good antis, pretty sure Ferite will vouch for that one, as you did say that.

so how can someone who thinks that antis are a waste of time, judge other players @ there skills with blue?...

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Vianiato. However, some use Vianiato wrong by just copy the moves. I think it's good that you copy if you know the idea. If you only copy without having a proper understanding why to play there and not there, it is wrong in my opinion.

Vianiato has contributed much to Connect four. Without Vianiato, some irregular styles would never have been found, I think.
Il n’y a pas de mal à faire une liste de joueurs, pour faire part de ses préférences. Mais… 
Quel impact cela pourrait-il avoir sur la majorité?... Après bien sûr c’est personnel…

Et le Top 20, n'est pas du tout crédible avec tous les programmes! Mason il ne va pas pouvoir faire une véritable liste tout les mois à la demande de certains…
Il n'y a même pas de respect pour la crown, si le joueur a le signe. C'est toléré, mais est-ce réellement une bonne chose? Beaucoup quittent FlyOrDie, pour ces raisons. 
Pourquoi les joueurs avec le signe, sont-ils dans le Top 20? C’est sans logique. 

Les programmes sont très utiles pour l’entrainement, uniquement.
S’il n’y a plus d’efforts fournis en match, c’est injuste envers les joueurs honnêtes.
Et les joueurs honnêtes garantissent le succès de se site. 
Ce sont pour la plus part de vrais passionnés. 
Qui dit passionné, dit aussi souvent, abonné. Ils seront encore présents dans plusieurs années. Sauf, si rien ne change! 
Tout ne peut pas se faire tout de suite… On comprend bien. Mais il y a des choses qui sont indispensables pour la bonne évolution…

Et plus de tailles de puissance 4, cela fait partie des choses indispensables!! Car beaucoup de joueurs se lassent.  Imaginez des joueurs comme Parasita I, muggaz, Supramegafix se mettre au tricot... -.- 
Ce serait la fin de tout, non?...  xD 

Alors les modérateurs écoutez-nous, agissez pour la bonne cause vous êtes les seuls à pouvoir nous aider!! 

(Et félicitations Mason pour ta crown). 



Yes i agree that the people who use it bye getting the crown or as many points as possible is stupid.

E.g. louis xv. been playing here for many years, always have a sign on everyone of his nicks, LYONNAIS, LYONNAIS.1, computerbilomate, louis xv., louis xv, The Papa, Papa... lol been around for longer than me, and thats like over 5 years, and yet he has never once, not used a program, i think that someone who cant learn Connect 4 after 5years!!! of playing with a program, is a complete joke tbh...

Alos i hate Vianiato different styles of winning, guLo is fairly basic, but styles such as, Vianiato+, D-Prince, Tribute, Tribute 2 and Thrylos Skylos, these all have very irregular winnings styles which make a player stand out from any normal non program player, i find this easier to spot the progs.

i learnt the game years ago the old fashion way on a connect 4 plastic board in real life playing against other humans not a name on a machine.doesnt take a genius to learn the game or a fancy program to learn the game.i am not the highest ranked player but i play reasonally well.i dont use programs and i dont play a  style i watch where the opponent goes and make my move. 
Vianiato killed this game.. what are you talking about.

b4, Eliten and hes mob invented all the 10starts with no vianiato, and no mustrum even. Back then, there were a huge diff among the top players. Now you only open vian and memo. For all "good" players today, vianiato is a must to be elite. Everyone can be 1337 today. It wasnt like that before.

bonjour à tous!

Comme dis Pumpkin™. Personnellement je dis aussi que les joueurs avec le signe n'ont rien à faire dans le top. ni pour les tournois! Vous allez me dire mais si c'est un honnête joueur qui a eu le signe car il est allé sur youtube, facebook... en même temps qu'il jouait? Il sera facile pour lui d'enlever le signe et là il pourra de nouveau participer à des tournois et être dans le top... On voit direct qui programme et qui est un honnête joueur avec le signe... ( j'ai déjà eu le signe à cause du traducteur... ) J'en profite aussi pour dire que ce serait bien de mettre un traducteur direct sur FlyOrDiE. Cela simplifierait le dialogue entre les joueurs. 

Le pop out a été une bonne idée pour évoluer le jeu de puissance 4. Seul inconvénient c'est que c'est trop simple. Des différente taille de jeu serait les bienvenues.

Et en ce qui concerne les programmes. C'est ceux qui a rendu la victoire des boules bleu très dur! Car la plus part des joueurs ont juste appris par coeur les "solutions"... Or dans le 8x8 il n'existe pas de programme. Même si le deuxième joueur est toujours gagnant, il est faisable de gagner (en commençant) même contre un excellent joueur! Et plus difficile à anticiper.

En ce qui concerne un joueur qui utilise vianiato. Je trouve qu'il est aussi ennuyeux de jouer avec. On voit direct où il va gagner. Et surtout en bleu contre un programme quelconque c'est vraiment ennuyeux. Aucun programme ne pourra remplacer le talent de certain joueur. Car l'humain a un avantage sur le programme. C'est qu'il connait les faiblesses de son adversaire! Je trouve que c'est mieux d'essayer de trouver la solution à un nouveau style. Que de brancher un programme et d'avoir la réponse. Pour mon avis personnellement je préfère jouer contre des joueurs déjà cité en haut comme jéjé7, golbez, lamia... ( ceux que je cite toujours ) que contre des programmes! Je me rappelle à l'époque, il y avait moins de programme et les victoires pour les boules bleus étaient nombreux! Comme je l'ai dis tout à l'heure, les programme ont rendu les victoires du bleus presque impossible! 

Qui veut d'autre taille de jeu de puissance 4? Et lesquels? 

Dernière question: Pumpkin™ es-tu français

Bon jeu à tous!


hello all!

Pumpkin ™ as saying. Personally I also say that players sign with nothing to do in the top. or for tournaments! But you tell me if this is an honest player who had the sign as it went on youtube, facebook ... at the same time he played? It will be easy for him to remove the sign and then he will again participate in tournaments and be in the top ... We see direct program and is an honest player with the sign ... (I already had the sign because the translator ...) I would also like to say that it would be nice to live a translator FlyOrDie. This would simplify the dialogue between players.

Pop out was a good idea to change the power play 4. Only drawback is that it is too simple. Of different size game would be welcome.

And regarding the programs. It is those who made the victory blue balls really hard! Because most of the players have just memorized the "solutions" ... Gold in the 8x8 there is no program. Even if the second player is always a winner, it is feasible to make (starting) even against a great player! And more difficult to predict.

Regarding a player who uses vianiato. I find it as boring to play with. We see directly where it will win. Blue and especially against any program that is really annoying. No program can replace the talent of some player. Because the human has an advantage over the program. Is he knows the weaknesses of his opponent! I think it is better to try to find a solution to a new style. As plugging in a program and have the answer. For me personally I prefer to play against players already mentioned above as jéjé7, Golbez, lamia ... (Whom I quote) against programs that! I remember at the time, there were fewer program and victories for the blue balls were many! As I said earlier, the program made the victories of the blue almost impossible!

Who wants another size power play 4? And which ones?

Last question: are you ™ Pumpkin French

I know I wrote a novel, a beautiful story... lool 

Have fun with it!
Vianiato is slow, it's weak in few "anti" (for ex, in 417) and he does not play irregulars styles. Surely we can be the best tomorrow with Vianiato... 

I want to sleep when I try to train with this prog.
Viva vianiato... And thanks, Pierre Paul Jacques... Zzzzz...

Oh, and how much players here know to play 417???

Oh wimbowe, Oh wimbowe...  

Via does play very complicated in some styles, and has some good antis in a few styles, but mainly basic.

Also its good with 417/437

And lots of players play 437/417, also ide gladley play about 10 games in unrated rooms with yu :p
Non je ne suis pas Française ♥.þєŧiŧ ¢ǿєùя.♥.


Bonjour à tous, ok Pumpkin ™. Vous avez utilisé un bon traducteur? Ou vous parlez très bien le français? 

Personnellement pour le style 437 ( ou 451 ) et 417 ( ou 471 ) Ce sont venu des styles basiques. Je vois beaucoup de joueur qui jouent ces styles. En attendant d'avoir d'autre taille de jeu à puissance 4. On devrait inventer d'autre style... Si vous en avez déjà, postez les. Qu'ils soient 100% victoire pour les boules rouges ou bleues.

Merci d'avance et bon jeu à tous! 


Hi all, ok Pumpkin ™. You use a good translator? Or you speak French very well?

Personally for style 437 (or 451) and 417 (or 471) These are the basic styles come. I see a lot of players that play these styles. Until we have other size power game 4. We should invent another style ... If you already have, please post them. They are 100% victory for the red or blue balls.

Thank you in advance and good game to all!