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We got a pass button, how bout a Retake button, especially when the person doesnt even make an attempt to go for it and playing into space... They should be made to take the shot again... just a suggestion...
I agree with this idea i was actually going to set my own forum post up about this (guess im slightly slow) :p they do this in real snooker y not have the force retake rule on FOD snooker gr8 idea ma8:)

The "Miss" rule is only used in real professional snooker. It is called by the referee when he or she decides that a better attempt could have been made or an easier shot played, but the player chose the harder shot because it would leave nothing. FoD is neither professional nor does it have a referee capable of making these subjective decisions.

A retake button would be useful in practice mode though, as would the chance to set up specific shots to practice.
True about the referee it would be hard 4 FOD systems to decide if the shot wasnt even attempted or if it was a close attempt at the snooker but is a gr8 idea still shame though  
Isn't it about time we had to chose our colours i mean, when opponent snookers himsefl and hits any colour, you think that don't happen in realy snooker.
I absolutly agree u should have to call a colour when u have snookered urself say u want to hit black but end up hitting yellow u will not be penalised 4 points with fod rules if u had to call a colour this wouldnt happen gr8 idea ma8:)
(and plus u dont need a referee 4 that idea :p)
Yes it's a great idea which has been mentioned time and time again, but it hasn't happened in the 22 months I have been a member. Don't hold your breath.
Wouldnt suprise me if thats one of the next updates actually. Would be good if implemented though.
You mean re take like when ure snookered and u miss 
its when ppl miss on purpose that spoils a game (amongst other things)