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Muddy's Curling Tournaments
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Muddy's Curling Tournaments
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Muddy's Curling Tournaments
Until recently I have enjoyed organising tournaments, but it has become clear that:
a. Folk just can't be bothered playing - see 

b. There is more to life!


So, with apologies to croteam1974, atombond, HavingGoodTimes, Mr.77, tatovanoha, bakkenboy, caroline_l, glynzales, Vas, ALESSIO, EveMuirhead & Vicman1, all of whom have made their way to the latter stages of my 2011 World Championships, I have reluctantly decided to call it a day. Enough is enough!

If folk just can't be bothered, and don't even have the courtesy to reply to e-mails, then there isn't any point in trying anymore. At least for individuals.

The way ahead might be Team Curling - see 
If you genuinely want to play, and I know that many do, why not form a team with a captain. I'll be happy to facilitate it.

Teams need to have 6 players, with equal total overall ratings (or ideally ability) to have an enjoyable competition. Also need a couple of "alternates" to play if others cannot
I'd like to join World
nikc Krabzs
emails krabzsATinbox.lv
country Latvia
Rating ~250