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where did all my posts go? i had like 110 and now im have 92? im going spare here trying to figure it out!! aghhhh!

That means FlyOrDie deleted some.

They either deleted them because.....

A. The content was against rules
B. The topic you posted in got deleted for breaking the rules.
C. The topic was old and useless so they opened up some space by removing it.

forum is being "cleaned up"

they are deleting useless posts and topics that has criticism in it..so if you have posted there, your posts are deleted and your post count drops
they are deleting useless posts and topics that has criticism in it

There goes all my posts then. :p

Anyway why does it matter if you have less posts?:|

Not a contest. :p
Exactly jamez i mean i dont care about my 900 posts...
Ahhh wait a minute i only have 800 :O 100 Posts gone , im ruined :p

But on a serious note , as snipe mentioned they are constantly cleaning up the forums in order to make room for up and coming posts , or even to reduce the time it takes to load on the forum...there could be many reasons ..

And most of the time they are not deleting your specific post.
They might just delete a whole topic that you posted a few replies to.


*mutters* 799 posts tank, bah gonna show him. :D