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Cheating with the randomisation
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Cheating with the randomisation
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Cheating with the randomisation
I have recently been activ in this forum regarding this subject. My observations is very clear: Too many 6-6, to many odd combinations with very little - less than 1 0/00 - probability to happen. 

We talked about the amount of 3 times the same double in a row: ex. 4-4, 4-4, 4-4 - 3-3, 3-3, 3-3  = 1/36*1/36*1/36 * 6 (in that we accept any double) = 1/7776 = 0,00012 

If a game is around 36 throwes with 2 dices it is 1 time out of 200 games. And I think it is at minimum 2-3 times in 200 ganes here on this site. But this site won´t allow me to examine my last 200 games and give acces!! (Look for the thred made by Brett Sinclaire)

I write just to say, that I this morning have just finished a game with a series af - not 3 times - but 4 times!!!! 4-4 in a row.... Just to put my observations in perspektive.... 

I would be very glad to have views from other BGplayers in this forum on this matter. In that, I don´t think it is fun to play with a false randomisation....